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泰拳拳套 Thai Boxing Gloves : Fairtex  BGV5 BLACK
泰拳拳套 Thai Boxing Gloves : Fairtex  BGV5 BLACK
泰拳拳套 Thai Boxing Gloves : Fairtex  BGV5 BLACK


泰拳拳套 Thai Boxing Gloves : Fairtex BGV5 BLACK

定價 $908 單價  每 


These gloves are perfect for sparring.

They have a specially designed outer layer of foam to help cushion the blows during heavy sparring sessions.
The wrap around hook and loop wristband is easy to use and designed to provide a better fit for greater comfort and control.

TShock-absorbing, high-density foam core. Thumb attached for added safety.

Three layers of evenly distributed padding protects your entire hand.


Handmade in Thailand.


Top grain leather shell.

泰拳拳套 Thai Boxing Gloves : Fairtex  BGV5 BLACK